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Show a Comma After Millions


Excel 2013 only shows a comma after the thousands and not after millions , so 1234567 would show as 1234,567 and not 1,234,567. #,###,##0 doesn't work, none of the customs work. Does anybody have a format that actually works?
Hi ,

This is a Windows OS setting ; go into Control Panel , Region , Advanced Settings , Digit Grouping ; select the one you want.

Hi Khalid ,

The problem is what you have posted ; the full sentence from the original post is :

Excel 2013 only shows a comma after the thousands and not after millions , so 1234567 would show as 1234,567 and not 1,234,567.

So at present , 1234567 is showing as 1234,567 , with the comma acting only as the thousands separator , and not after every group of 3 digits ; Pinang wants that it should act as a grouping separator , so that 1234567 would be displayed as 1,234,567.

Dear Sir's.

But I have checked in Excel 2010 its Giving the Pinang result without any issue with just format cell.


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Hi Khalid ,

The problem is what you have posted ; the full sentence from the original post is :

So at present , 1234567 is showing as 1234,567 , with the comma acting only as the thousands separator , and not after every group of 3 digits ; Pinang wants that it should act as a grouping separator , so that 1234567 would be displayed as 1,234,567.


Hi Narayan,
Good day Sir...

Pardon, i misunderstood.
Hi Jitendra ,

I don't think I made myself clear ; I know your Windows setting has to be that ; you need not upload any picture.

I want you to see for yourself what happens if you change the Windows setting , and then select the comma format in Excel.
