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replace double quote with specific code


Can you help me with a formula to replace double quotes available within a string with specific code? All odd double quotes have to be marked as 'lq' and all even double quotes to be marked as 'rq'.
A logic that has to be added is, in case of odd double quotes, the right most double quote is to be kept as it is and hence not to be replaced with code. Hence, in case string has only one double quote, it is not to be replaced.

Input: NEW"YORK Output: NEW"YORK
Input: NEW"YORK" Output: NEWlqYORKrq
Input: NEW"YO"R"K Output: NEWlqYOrqR"K
Input: NE"W"YO"R"K Output: NElqWrqYOlqRrqK
To my little knowledge it is a tricky one as far as formula solution is concerned..so could you please confirm if you are ok with VBA solution..

Btw, what is the maximum number of quotes a string can have..is there any limitation.
Hope the attached helps..!!

Option Explicit
Dim MyRng As Range, Cell As Range
Dim tQuote As Integer, cQuote As Integer, n As Integer, nQuote As Integer
Dim sChr As String, cType As Boolean

Sub RemoveQuotes()

Set MyRng = Range("A1:A" & Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row)

For Each Cell In MyRng
  tQuote = Len(Cell.Value) - Len(Application.WorksheetFunction.Substitute(Cell.Value, Chr(34), ""))
  If tQuote = 1 Then
  Cell.Offset(, 1).Value = Cell.Value
  Cell.Offset(, 1).ClearContents
  cType = (tQuote Mod 2 = 0)
  Select Case cType
  Case False
  cQuote = tQuote - 1
  nQuote = 0
  For n = 1 To Len(Cell.Value)
  sChr = Mid(Cell.Value, n, 1)
  If sChr = Chr(34) Then
  nQuote = nQuote + 1
  If nQuote <= cQuote And nQuote Mod 2 <> 0 Then
  Cell.Offset(, 1).Value = Cell.Offset(, 1).Value & "lq"
  ElseIf nQuote <= cQuote And nQuote Mod 2 = 0 Then
  Cell.Offset(, 1).Value = Cell.Offset(, 1).Value & "rq"
  ElseIf nQuote > cQuote Then
  Cell.Offset(, 1).Value = Cell.Offset(, 1).Value & Chr(34)
  End If
  Cell.Offset(, 1).Value = Cell.Offset(, 1).Value & sChr
  End If
  Next n
  Case Else
  nQuote = 0
  For n = 1 To Len(Cell.Value)
  sChr = Mid(Cell.Value, n, 1)
  If sChr = Chr(34) Then
  nQuote = nQuote + 1
  If nQuote Mod 2 <> 0 Then
  Cell.Offset(, 1).Value = Cell.Offset(, 1).Value & "lq"
  ElseIf nQuote Mod 2 = 0 Then
  Cell.Offset(, 1).Value = Cell.Offset(, 1).Value & "rq"
  End If
  Cell.Offset(, 1).Value = Cell.Offset(, 1).Value & sChr
  End If
  Next n
  End Select
  End If
Next Cell

End Sub


  • RemovingQuotes.xlsm
    19.3 KB · Views: 3
To my little knowledge it is a tricky one as far as formula solution is concerned..so could you please confirm if you are ok with VBA solution..

Btw, what is the maximum number of quotes a string can have..is there any limitation.
Dear Asheesh, the number of quotes can be more than 24. I guess we can keep a limit of 30. Btw, can we keep it n?
I shall try for a formula solution..And get back to you if I get to something
Dear Asheesh .... no no do not work on any thing else.. Your code works super perfectly and for any number of quotes within single string.. it is generic and super quick.. Thanks again.
Dear Asheesh - while working, i noticed that for few rows the code automatically removes a space just after an integer. However, it is not consistent. I couldnt debug. Can you pls check. Attaching the file here. Pls check data in A1 which is input while B1 is output. In B1 you can notice that space after 2100 is not available.


  • RemovingDoubleQuotes.xlsm
    22.8 KB · Views: 2
Hi to all!

For your first question, I have anothers options.

1. An UDF approach. You can use the Function freplacequotes. This is the code:
Function freplacequotes$(s$)
    Dim q&, a$, i&
    With Application
        q = Len(s) - Len(.Substitute(s, Chr(34), ""))
        If q < 2 Then
            freplacequotes = s
            a = s
            For i = 1 To q \ 2
                a = .Substitute(a, Chr(34), "lq", 1)
                a = .Substitute(a, Chr(34), "rq", 1)
            Next i
            freplacequotes = a
        End If
    End With
End Function
2. A Macro approach. Please clic into the shape. This is the code:
Sub replacequotes()
    Dim q&, a$, i&
    Dim s As Range
    With Application
        .ScreenUpdating = False
        Range("B1", [B1048576].End(xlUp)).ClearContents
        For Each s In Range("A1", [A1048576].End(xlUp))
            q = Len(s) - Len(.Substitute(s, Chr(34), ""))
            If q < 2 Then
                s.Offset(, 1) = s
                a = s
                For i = 1 To q \ 2
                    a = .Substitute(a, Chr(34), "lq", 1)
                    a = .Substitute(a, Chr(34), "rq", 1)
                Next i
                s.Offset(, 1) = a
            End If
        Next s
        .ScreenUpdating = True
        Set s = Nothing
    End With
End Sub

Check file. Blessings!


  • RemovingQuotes.xlsm
    18.8 KB · Views: 0
Hi to all!

For your first question, I have anothers options.

1. An UDF approach. You can use the Function freplacequotes. This is the code:
Function freplacequotes$(s$)
    Dim q&, a$, i&
    With Application
        q = Len(s) - Len(.Substitute(s, Chr(34), ""))
        If q < 2 Then
            freplacequotes = s
            a = s
            For i = 1 To q \ 2
                a = .Substitute(a, Chr(34), "lq", 1)
                a = .Substitute(a, Chr(34), "rq", 1)
            Next i
            freplacequotes = a
        End If
    End With
End Function
2. A Macro approach. Please clic into the shape. This is the code:
Sub replacequotes()
    Dim q&, a$, i&
    Dim s As Range
    With Application
        .ScreenUpdating = False
        Range("B1", [B1048576].End(xlUp)).ClearContents
        For Each s In Range("A1", [A1048576].End(xlUp))
            q = Len(s) - Len(.Substitute(s, Chr(34), ""))
            If q < 2 Then
                s.Offset(, 1) = s
                a = s
                For i = 1 To q \ 2
                    a = .Substitute(a, Chr(34), "lq", 1)
                    a = .Substitute(a, Chr(34), "rq", 1)
                Next i
                s.Offset(, 1) = a
            End If
        Next s
        .ScreenUpdating = True
        Set s = Nothing
    End With
End Sub

Check file. Blessings!

Dear John Jairo V - thanks a lot.. i used the Function. And it works perfectly fine.. i am sorry, but i couldnt check or use macro cuz the work is done thru function itself...
@John Jairo V

I like it..but I have a question, I have seen some people use $ and & special characters along with variables as you did above. I have been using VBA for quite sometime now, but not really sure about the significance of these special characters along with variables.

Appreciate if you could shed some light.

Hi !

It's just about old BASIC compatibility to declare variables
as explained in VBA inner help of any type data like Long for example …
Hi @Asheesh

Its just an abbreviation for declare variables:

Dim a as Integer --> Dim a%
Dim a as Long --> Dim a&
Dim a as Single --> Dim a!
Dim a as Double --> Dim a#
Dim a as String --> Dim a$
Dim a as Variant --> Dim a

Or to declare on the run the first time variable is used in code

like for example in VBA R& = 1 equals in VB Dim R as Long = 1

And Dim C@ is like Dim C as Currency