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Need a VBA to attach 15 PDFs in 15 different outlook mails using one VBA

Is it possible to write one VBA code to attach 15 PDF files in 15 different outlook mails. Suppose Email IDs of the companies are in column A starting from cell A2 and name of the PDF files are in Column B starting from cell B2. So there are 15 Email IDs are 15 PDF files which are to be sent separately on each email ID. PDF mentioned in Cell B2 should be sent to email ID mentioned in cell A1. The location of all the PDFs is "D:\Amit\".

Is it possible to write one VBA code and that will take care of this task?

Thanks in advance :)
Thanks for the link @ThrottleWorks , However the mail is not picking up the attachment in the mail. It's sending the mails without attachments. I tried changing the path from "C:\Users\amitp00082\Desktop\1\" to "C:\Users\amitp00082\Desktop\1" (Removed the last slash sign from the path), still it's not working.
Kindly guide.