"We"? Who allowed you to include yourself? Luke M once told me that you were devote of Groucho's quote "I don't want to belong to a club that accepts me as a member"... so "sent the wire right now"
Just know I love you and we have had some rocky roads in the past but I'm here to reconcile our differences. I'd kiss your feet or rub ur back but i live in america.
I'll just tap your little square head.
I'm ready for my apprenticeship in becoming an excel god among men. Also I am having a cube database installed at my work. I'd like to know your knowledge on anything related to cube functionality for reporting purposes in excel.
@everyone else
Montrey is back and ready to help you scally wags. Prepare your questions for battle because I usually have to race to beat one of the aforementioned to an answer. They all know its a race.
P.S. I'll also limit my frustrations to banging my head on my desk repeatedly instead of voicing it in the forum.
People shouldn't assume that the Ninjas will be available, at all times, to answer your questions
We have lives and jobs outside Chandoo.org, I for example have just spend a week in Timor and a week in Namibia but am back now.
When the Ninjas are away or when they are here there is nothing wrong with anybody else trying to answer questions at any time.
I'm sure that the other Ninjas will agree that you actually learn a lot by answering questions and if it is trying to extend your Excel Knowledge then answering questions is a great tool to assist this endeavor.