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How to show two decimal places without rounding


New Member
I have a set of numbers with numerous digits after the decimal point. I need to be able to format the number so it only shows two digits after the decimal point and the number cannot be rounded.
For instance, if the original number is 14.6488
I want it to be shown as 14.64
If the original number is 14.01294
I want it to be shown as 14.01
if you just want to format it to two decimal place:

1 Select the range
2 Press Ctrl+1 (opens Format Cell dialogue box)
3 Select Number Format>> Category: Number >> Decimal Places: 2

this does not change the values in cell, only display them rounded off to 2 digits.
But in your original query you asked for formatting a number to two decimal place. Rounddown will return a value rounded off to specified decimal places changing the underlying original value. But if it is what you wanted, that's great.
