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how to receive csv file via http post with excel vba.


New Member
in the past I used these two lines of code to download.csv files from the website euromillions

ActiveSheet.QueryTables.Add("URL;http://www.nationale-loterij.be/Controls/Draw/DownloadResults.ashx?productId=e07ce0de-9072-436f-b6ec-9a7e9475fa6f&StartDate=" & Sheets(1).Cells(4, 2).Value & "&EndDate=" & Year(Now()) & "1231&ExportData=True", Destination:=Range("A1")).Refresh True

ActiveSheet.QueryTables.Add("URL;http://www.nationale-loterij.be/Controls/Draw/DownloadResults.ashx?productId=e07ce0de-9072-436f-b6ec-9a7e9475fa6f&StartDate=" & Sheets(1).Cells(4, 2).Value & "&EndDate=" & Year(Now()) & "1231&ExportData=false", Destination:=Range("A1")).Refresh True

First .csv file = EuroMillionsGameData.cvs

Second .csv file =EuroMillionsFinancialData.cvs

But recently, they have made changes to the website, and the code no longer works.

I've noticed that it now works with java script post method, but I don't know how this works.

How can I get this done with VBA?

Website address:


the two files are

Trekkingresultaten and Financieleresultaten