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How to increment number

Hang on...you want to have something like 4.1 - 4.2 - 4.3 ------ 4.10 - 4.11 ------ 4.19 - 4.20 ?

Wouldn't it be better to have 4.01 - 4.02 and so forth?
How do you intend to tell 4.1 from 4.10?

As far as VBA, you only need a FOR loop

For ind = 1 to 20
yourtext = "4." & indx

Type 4.1 in cell A1
Type this formula in A2 and copy down
="4." & RIGHT(A1;LEN(A1)-2)+1
Hi Abhijeet,

I think It should be 4.01, 4.02, .... 4.20. If so you can use below formula:



Replace the 4 with a choice of your number OR refrence the 4 to a cell and use the cell in the formula as shown below.


Where in B1 is the number of your choice.


I have data i want sort this data with number format please tell me how to do this


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