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How to filter a pivot table by colour


New Member

Sorry, I am Spanish and perhaps my English is not so good as desirable. Anyway, I am searching how to filter data within a pivot table when you apply conditional formatting based in cell or font colour. I try to find out how to do that but I only find the options to filter by label or value, not by colour. The case is that I know this is possible as one of my students have done it by chance.

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Regular Data Tables can be Filtered and Sorted by Cell color in Excel 2007-10.

I Don't believe that is possible in Pivot Tables, but happy to be proven wrong
Hui it is possible that we can filter by color. you can refer:


That is as I said above, a Data Table, not a pivot table as POC requested
Hui Please try this steps,

1. First in data table you put some color in some cells.

2. Just right click and click filter and then click "Filter by selected cell's font color"

it will work....

I'm not having any problems !

I was giving advice to POC ?
A bit later than 2011, but here's the solution (Excel 2007-16+):
1. make sure there are at least two blank columns to the right of the pivot table
2. select a cell in the column immediately adjacent to the table
3. go to the ribbon and select Data > Filter (or Home > Editing > Sort & Filter > Filter) (or press Ctrl+Shft+L)
4. go to the filter drop-down on the column in question and you will see that you can filter on Font or Cell color.
A bit later than 2011, but here's the solution (Excel 2007-16+):
1. make sure there are at least two blank columns to the right of the pivot table
2. select a cell in the column immediately adjacent to the table
3. go to the ribbon and select Data > Filter (or Home > Editing > Sort & Filter > Filter) (or press Ctrl+Shft+L)
4. go to the filter drop-down on the column in question and you will see that you can filter on Font or Cell color.

It is never too late. It help me for instance. :)
A bit later than 2011, but here's the solution (Excel 2007-16+):
1. make sure there are at least two blank columns to the right of the pivot table
2. select a cell in the column immediately adjacent to the table
3. go to the ribbon and select Data > Filter (or Home > Editing > Sort & Filter > Filter) (or press Ctrl+Shft+L)
4. go to the filter drop-down on the column in question and you will see that you can filter on Font or Cell color.
I had to register to post this, but felt it was worth it for the provided fix. Thank you, gothic chicken!