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How can I do this math?

I promise I am not trying to hurt anyone's brain lol. I want to be able to add 123 to a list of numbers. The issue I am having is when I add anything to the ones position I do not want to carry over the digits. What I mean for example 2+8=10 but I want it to show as 0, 8+4=2, 9+2=1, 7+6=3....get my drift/ How can I write this code?

To take it one step further I want to add 3 more columns and have the digits = a different digit for example a 0=5, 1=6, 2=7, 3=8, and a 4=9


  • L Math.xlsx
    11.1 KB · Views: 14
I8: =MOD(E7+E8,10)
Copy across two cells
Copy I8:K8 down every second row
I8: =MOD(E7+E8,10)
Copy across two cells
Copy I8:K8 down every second row


How can I copy the formula down the entire sheet? I want to be able to have the numeric value lets say in EFG and have the mirror (123) in columns IJK next to the number in EFG.

Thanks so Much!!!!
If you wrap Hui's formula as below and enter it in cell I7,
Then you can copy this down and across. It will show blanks in the alternate rows.
Your last column contains some spaces (Character 32) & some non breaking space (Character 160). Maybe you're copying them from some website. These characters are invisible.

Just remove the characters using FIND and REPLACE. Once done, the formula will work.