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Graph help


New Member
Hi all,

I have a graph which shows the projected sales figure (column chart) and budget (line graph).

Is there a way i can have the column change to be red if it is under the budget/green if it is over it?

I know i can do it manually by formatting the data point, just thought you guys may know a way to do it automatically?

Any help would be greatly appreciated! :)
The trick is using an extra data series. Basically, you'll have 2 series. One for red, the other for green. The red series will look at your actual data and do something like:


and the green series will be:


Thus, each series will only plot of the columns that it should be colored for. The NA error tells the chart not to plot a point for that particular data point.

Now, to get things to line up, depending on what chart type you are using, you can either do a stacked chart (no extra change needed) or a side-by-side column chart, but set the overlap to 100%

Further reading of conditional charting:
