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Graph Analisis

Hello Excellers,

Can you please help me create an analisis that help me see the percentage of each day a store generates purche orders and that I can Filter by Area?

*In column F we have the generation dates for instance SUTU (SUnday,TUesday)


  • Libro1.xlsx
    17.7 KB · Views: 2

Please provide more explanation of the output you want to see. I'm having a hard time imagining what you want to do with these data.

I don't see in your sample file the percentages that you want to illustrate with your graph.

You don't have a numeric field to calculate percentages on

Do you want for example if we only look at Area 1
the number of days of Store ID 54 = 2 as a percentage of the total days of Area 1 = 9 so the percentage is 2/9 = 22.2%
Hello Hui,

For instance in area 1 I have 4 stores and I need to know the percentages on how often the stores generates in SU MO TU WE TH FR SA. So I can know what days % the distribution center will be processing more purchase orders:


In the picture example I see in are 1 the distribution center will have more purche orders in TU (3 apearences), then in SU and TH (2 apearences each) then FR and MO ( 1 appearance each). I just need some graphics that can represent that on %. In this example would be:


How can I get this kind of analisis, using a dinamic graphic and just filtering the areas and CEDIS criteria, and also that the ranges can be automatically adjustes to the new information?

The lookup will look through the entire text Say SUTU for SU and if it finds SU it will return the text SU . I warped the formula with Istext to convert the text to numeric 1 or 0 to get the count.

Note:2^15 is the maximum number of character +1 a cell can hold.
