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DAX to Create Unique column to lookup in table


New Member
Hi Team,

We have below table structure:-

Date Buyer Seller Quantity Price

1/1/2015 ABC BCD 100 10.9

1/2/2015 BCD PQR 100 10.7


We need unique list of companies i.e Buyer and Seller with their respective quantities bought and sold by date.

Output required is:-

Date Company Quantity_bought Quantity_sold Price

1/1/2015 ABC 100 0 10.9

1/1/2015 BCD 0 100 10.9

1/2/2015 BCD 100 0 10.7

1/2/2015 PQR 0 100 10.7

Any help in above will be really appreciated.



(Excel Analyst)