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COUNTIFS driving me crazy

Hi, please help with the attached file.

This starts out as an exported report. I inserted a new helper column (A), and entered a formula to help find unique monitor names (column L). Then, I added columns AC:AH. In AC2:AC14, I entered a formula to list unique monitor names (also used in AE2:AE14 & AG2:AG14).

Now to the real question: I want to count the number of times each monitor (column L) has a >5 in column U. I want this formula in AD2:AD14. As you can see, I already made an attempt, but failed miserably:( Please help!



  • Chandoo_COUNTIFS.xlsx
    58.6 KB · Views: 2
Hi Carlos.

Your formula had a mix of structural references and an entire column reference. The structural reference, for the table would only be 243 rows. Worse, with the "@" symbol in front, it was only looking at a single row. So, error was causes because the two arrays were different sizes. But, you were on the right track!

Correct formula:
=COUNTIFS(Table2[Monitor Name],AC2,Table2[(MVR Submission) '# of Bus days],">5")
Hi Carlos.

Your formula had a mix of structural references and an entire column reference. The structural reference, for the table would only be 243 rows. Worse, with the "@" symbol in front, it was only looking at a single row. So, error was causes because the two arrays were different sizes. But, you were on the right track!

Correct formula:
=COUNTIFS(Table2[Monitor Name],AC2,Table2[(MVR Submission) '# of Bus days],">5")

Thank you! Your solution works perfectly. I was unaware that the "@" would mean that it was only looking at one row. Lesson learned!