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Count values based on cell color (conditionally formatted)

Pradeep D

New Member
Hi Chandoo,

Got a question. I've to enter the attendance of an employee from col N to Col AR. I've col headers as dates (1 to 31) and rows have the month (in number). I've made a conditional formatting to highlight cells which are falling on weekends. My aim to track how many employees are working on weekends so that I can give them off on weekends in the next month. I want to track number of sat's Present in col L and sun's Present in col M. As this is conditional formatting, I am unable to count it based on cell color. Please help or recommend in case if you have a better solution.

I've attached a sample sheet with sample data.

Thanks and regards,
Pradeep D


  • Attendance Template.xlsb
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Using the same basic framework that you already have in your conditional formatting formula:

In cell L3:


In cell M3:


Drag to fill.
Another option :

In cell L3 copy across to M3 and all copy down :




Thank you eibi.. It worked.. was banging my head since a week :)

Thanks and regards,
Pradeep D

Using the same basic framework that you already have in your conditional formatting formula:

In cell L3:


In cell M3:


Drag to fill.