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Copy row based on listbox in macro

I am creating Excel file, where i have 5 listboxes, each listbox is loaded with data from other sheet.

What i am doing is, If i selected a item in all listbox, macro is checking next sheet, and displays row which has value that i selected in list boxes.

This part i completed,

Now what i want is, If i selected "All" in any Listbox, then i don't want to put condition, because "ALL" means it will show all data for that listbox. I have attached my excel file for reference.

Dim ary, ary1, ary2, ary3, ary4
    '// Initially size our array with a zer base, then slip it up one upon the first    //
    '// val being assigned to an element.                                               //
    ReDim ary(0 To 0)
    ReDim ary1(0 To 0)
    ReDim ary2(0 To 0)
    ReDim ary3(0 To 0)
    ReDim ary4(0 To 0)
        For i = 0 To ListBox1.ListCount - 1
        For i1 = 0 To ListBox2.ListCount - 1
        For i2 = 0 To ListBox3.ListCount - 1
        For i3 = 0 To ListBox4.ListCount - 1
        For i4 = 0 To ListBox5.ListCount - 1
            If ListBox1.Selected(i) Then
            '// resize our array ea time we find a val to add.                      //
            ReDim Preserve ary(1 To UBound(ary) + 1)
            ary(UBound(ary)) = ListBox1.List(i)
                If ListBox2.Selected(i1) Then
                ReDim Preserve ary1(1 To UBound(ary1) + 1)
                ary1(UBound(ary1)) = ListBox2.List(i1)
                If ListBox3.Selected(i2) Then
                ReDim Preserve ary2(1 To UBound(ary2) + 1)
                ary2(UBound(ary2)) = ListBox3.List(i2)
                If ListBox4.Selected(i3) Then
                ReDim Preserve ary3(1 To UBound(ary3) + 1)
                ary3(UBound(ary3)) = ListBox4.List(i3)
                If ListBox5.Selected(i4) Then
                ReDim Preserve ary4(1 To UBound(ary4) + 1)
                ary4(UBound(ary4)) = ListBox5.List(i4)
            Dim e
            Set i10 = Sheets("Data")
            Set e = Sheets("Home")
            Dim d
            Dim j
            d = 10
            j = 2
            Do Until IsEmpty(i10.Range("A" & j))
            If i10.Range("A" & j) = ary(UBound(ary)) And i10.Range("B" & j) = ary1(UBound(ary1)) And i10.Range("G" & j) = ary2(UBound(ary2)) And i10.Range("C" & j) = ary3(UBound(ary3)) And i10.Range("E" & j) = ary4(UBound(ary4)) Then
            d = d + 1
            e.Rows(d).Value = i10.Rows(j).Value
            End If
            j = j + 1
            End If
                    End If
                     End If
                      End If
            End If



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