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Copy Down Formulas in Missing [SOLVED]


New Member
Hi, Im looking for help to create a macro to find blank cells in a certain range and then insert a formula in.

For example I have data in a5:Q25 but cells g22:g25 are blank. I want the macro to find the empty cells and fill in a vlookup formula. The code I pasted below is overwriting cells that are not blank.

Also I have a header on this data that starts in Row4, so rows 1-3 are mostly blank.

Sub Copy_down()

'Find First Blank Rows

Worksheets("PCR Log").Activate

Dim First As Range

Dim Last As Range

Set First = Range("g" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp)

Set Last = Range("f" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp)

Range("g" & First, "g" & Last).FormulaR1C1 = "=IFERROR(VLOOKUP(RC[1],Skus!C[-4]:C[-1],4,FALSE),"""")"
I think something like this will work, if you're just copying the formula down from the cell above it.

Sub FillFormulas()
Dim c As Range

For Each c In Range("A5:Q25").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeBlanks)
c.Formula = c.Offset(-1, 0).Formula
Next c

End Sub

Hi, myself!

So long...

You should go the oculist right now, you thought you were cured but this relapse is severe. Are you seeing ghosts?

Thanks Luke,

Data will be constantly appended to this worksheet so the range of the blank cells will be different each time. I will always be looking for the range in column g, that starts with the first blank cell in column G, and the last non blank cell in column F. I want to remove the formulas after the macro so that the file is easier to work with.

SirJB7 - I have no idea what you are talking about. :)


Sorry if I confused you, it was an undercover subliminal message for Luke M.

Hi ,

I think what you want may be something like this , though I am not sure how this works , in the sense that I do not understand the objective of taking the first blank cell in column G , and the last non-blank cell in column F :

Sub Copy_down()
Dim First As Long
Dim Last As Long

First = Range("g5").End(xlDown).Row + 1
Last = Range("f" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row

Range("g" & First, "g" & Last).Value = Evaluate("=IFERROR(VLOOKUP(RC[1],Skus!C[-4]:C[-1],4,FALSE),"""")")
End Sub
Logically , you should put in the values in all the cells which are blank ; if these cells are contiguous , then the definition of Last should be changed to get the last blank cell in column G.

If the blank cells are not contiguous , then the inserting of the formula value should be done using a loop.


Yeah, I'm still here. Combination of other work keeping me very busy, and the growth of our community with other ninjas/experts has allowed me to rest and not feel like people are not getting their questions addressed. But rest assured, I am still here, lurking in the shadows...