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Conditional Formatting for Current Charts


New Member
Aloha All-

This is my current dashboard that I am working on:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/nxu6uf0vgl83ibu/Master Dashboard-09262016_MTC.xlsm?dl=0

Here lies the problem:
On sheet Trend Slicer (Top Level), I have four charts labeled, Flight Line Availability, Flight Line Availability Trend, Ready Basic Aircraft Availability, Ready Basic Aircraft Availability Trend. These charts are fed by the tables on the Top Level Dashboard (Tables). What I want, is in my charts to have the conditional format of the bars to turn green if the "RBA Actual" or the "Flightline Actual" is greater than the "RBA Entitlement" or the "Flightline Entitlement" respectively. Additionally, I want the bars to turn red if the "RBA Actual" or the "Flightline Actual" is less than the "RBA Entitlement" or the "Flightline Entitlement" respectively.

Thanks as always ExcelNinjas!!
