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Condition Formatting of a separate cell

Is there a way that I can have conditional formatting of one cell be based on the value in another cell?

For example

If A1 = 5

Cell B1 is green

If A1 = 6

Cell B1 = red
Hi ,

Why not ?

Select B1 , and enter the CF rule formula as =$A$1 = 5 ; select GREEN.

Enter the second CF rule formula as =$A$1 = 6 ; select RED.

That is all there is to it.

If you want to copy this formatting to other cells , you will need to remove the $ signs depending on how you wish to copy the formatting i.e. across , down or both.

Quick question on this as it relates to my q. Somendra, why would it be $L5 and not $L7

Column L is calculated column, so 3 can come in any of the cell, so the cond. formatting condition is highlight Monday only if the row contain 3 in column L, so if L5 is 3 D5 should get highlighted and so on.
