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Concatenate a variable range


Excel Ninja
hi Experts, this one is giving me a real hard time...I have a variable range say Column A..eg A1:A5...A1 contains text1, A2 has text2, A3 has text3..so on and so forth..I know I can concatenate them with helper columns and get all the values in one cell...however, I am looking for a single cell formula without helper columns to concatenate these values..
Result should be B1 something like this- text1,text2,text3,.....

Appreciate your help on this...
hi Experts, this one is giving me a real hard time...I have a variable range say Column A..eg A1:A5...A1 contains text1, A2 has text2, A3 has text3..so on and so forth..I know I can concatenate them with helper columns and get all the values in one cell...however, I am looking for a single cell formula without helper columns to concatenate these values..
Result should be B1 something like this- text1,text2,text3,.....

Appreciate your help on this...
Hi Asheesh,
You want comma between the text1 & text2.

Lakshmi Narain

May be an UDF like this

Function MYCONCATENATE(Delimiter As Variant, ParamArray CellRanges() As Variant) As String
'Formula Example =MYCONCATENATE("_",A1:E1)
  Dim Index As Long, Rw As Long, Col As Long, Down As Boolean, rng As Range, Cell As Range
  If IsMissing(Delimiter) Then Delimiter = ""
  Index = LBound(CellRanges)
  Do While Index <= UBound(CellRanges)
    If TypeName(CellRanges(Index)) = "Range" Then
      Set rng = CellRanges(Index)
      If Index < UBound(CellRanges) Then
        If TypeName(CellRanges(Index + 1)) <> "Range" Then Down = CellRanges(Index + 1) = "|"
      End If
      If Down Then
        For Col = 0 To rng.Columns.Count - 1
          For Rw = 0 To rng.Rows.Count - 1
            If Len(rng(1).Offset(Rw, Col).Value) Then
              MYCONCATENATE = MYCONCATENATE & Delimiter & rng(1).Offset(Rw, Col)
            End If
        Index = Index + 1
        For Each Cell In Intersect(rng, rng.Parent.UsedRange)
          If Len(Cell.Value) Then MYCONCATENATE = MYCONCATENATE & Delimiter & Cell.Value
      End If
      If CellRanges(Index) = "||" Then
        MYCONCATENATE = MYCONCATENATE & Delimiter & "|"
        MYCONCATENATE = MYCONCATENATE & Delimiter & CellRanges(Index)
      End If
    End If
    Index = Index + 1
End Function

As far as my knowledge I don't think Concatenate without selecting each cell will not be possible other than through VBA