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Write the result of sum cells their random location according to the chosen name in Drop-list cell


New Member
Hello ,

I searched a lot on the net, and did not reach an answer,
I saw complex answers that I could not understand as newbie in Excel,

ِAll I want if Drop-list contents some name do sum for some cells ,
if other name do sum for different cell,

Please look at the attached pictures to understand what I mean.


I want if name John in the E2 cell do =A2+B4+B3 and show result in F2 cell.
If name Chosen is Michelle do =A4+B2+C3 and show result in F2 cell.. and so on .

I don't want to Sum Cells are is sequentially, vertically or horizontally.

I have cells in random places. I want to Sum them according to the name in the E2 Cell...

Thank you ,, I appreciate any help


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