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worksheet size

You could always make a copy of the sheet and put it into a new workbook. Save the file. Then go to properties and see the file size.

Hi Montrey

This is easy when the workbook contains a limited number of worksheets. But, what to do when it contains about three hundred worksheets?
well... :/ I Don't think there is a way to just have a list populate that displays the size of each worksheet. There may be a VBA code for this that one of the ninja's could provide.
Hi, ahhhmed!

Give a look at this post: http://chandoo.org/forums/topic/need-help-with-a-macro-to-make-file-copy-without-macro#post-24026

It creates a workbook with all worksheets without macros. You can modify it yourself to create individual workbooks for each worksheet. That would give an approximated size, because a workbook isn't exactly a worksheet, but's better than nothing.
