Hello Experts,,
I am working with website in which i have few fields. I have unique ID in excel file Which should be directly fetch from excel file's predefined column. On basis of it, the website will search the record from its database and will show the details of family members. Against each member's name there is a java script (Link) for "More Update". Once the record for the family is shown on the screen, the "More Update" link should be automatically clicked for each member and save the record in database. While updating the details if there is no data against any family member in any column then when the more update link is pressed, a message "Data is missing for this member" should be pasted against unique id in excel file and if all the details are there in all the columns then i want to save the record in the database and once all the family members data has been updated successfully then the message "Data has been successfully saved" should be pasted in the same column against Unique ID and final save should be done. If Data is missing for this member" is pasted in the excle file then no need to save the record and go for the next unique ID.
HTML Codes for several Fields are as below...
I am working with website in which i have few fields. I have unique ID in excel file Which should be directly fetch from excel file's predefined column. On basis of it, the website will search the record from its database and will show the details of family members. Against each member's name there is a java script (Link) for "More Update". Once the record for the family is shown on the screen, the "More Update" link should be automatically clicked for each member and save the record in database. While updating the details if there is no data against any family member in any column then when the more update link is pressed, a message "Data is missing for this member" should be pasted against unique id in excel file and if all the details are there in all the columns then i want to save the record in the database and once all the family members data has been updated successfully then the message "Data has been successfully saved" should be pasted in the same column against Unique ID and final save should be done. If Data is missing for this member" is pasted in the excle file then no need to save the record and go for the next unique ID.
HTML Codes for several Fields are as below...
HTML Code: 1st value select to "2009"
<select name="ddlYear" class="Dropdown" id="ddlYear" style="width: 70px;">
<option value="2009">2009</option>
<option value="2010">2010</option>
<option value="2011">2011</option>
<option value="2012">2012</option>
<option value="2013">2013</option>
<option value="2014">2014</option>
<option value="2015">2015</option>
<option value="2016">2016</option>
<option selected="selected" value="2017">2017</option></select>
HTML Code: 2nd value Unique ID from excel file defined column
<span id="Label17Slash">/</span><input name="txtSearch" type="text" id="txtSearch" class="TextBox" style="width:90px;" />
HTML Code: 3rd
<input type="submit" name="btnFind" value="શોધ " onclick="return ChkFamilyNo();" id="btnFind" class="Button" style="width:43px;" /></td>
HTML Code: 4th value select to "2017" after complete above 3 steps
<select name="CmbYear" id="CmbYear" class="Dropdown" style="width:125px;">
<option value="2009">2009</option>
<option value="2010">2010</option>
<option value="2011">2011</option>
<option value="2012">2012</option>
<option value="2013">2013</option>
<option value="2014">2014</option>
<option value="2015">2015</option>
<option value="2016">2016</option>
<option selected="selected" value="2017">2017</option></select>
HTML Code: 5th step Click on JavaScript with Save and Popup Message OK
</td><td class="DataGridItem" align="center" style="font-size:Smaller;"><a href="javascript:__doPostBack('ResultGrid$ctl02$ctl00','')">Updt Age by +1Yr</a></td><td class="DataGridItem" align="center" style="font-size:Smaller;"><a href="javascript:__doPostBack('ResultGrid$ctl02$ctl01','')">More Update</a></td>
HTML Code of Data Missing for the family Member message :
<td class="DataGridItem" align="center"><span id="ResultGrid_ctl02_lblsno">1</span></td><td class="DataGridItem" align="center">A023126808</td><td class="DataGridItem" align="center">ફકીરાભાઇ</td><td class="DataGridItem" align="center">ગાભા</td><td class="DataGridItem" align="center">હરિજન</td><td class="DataGridItem" align="center">30</td>
<input name="btnSAVEMem" class="Button" id="btnSAVEMem" style="width: 112px;" onclick="return ChkFamilyMemInput();" type="submit" value="સેવ સભ્ય">
i don't have Popup Massage HTML Code
HTML Code: 6th step Click on Final Save with Popup Message OK
<input type="submit" name="CmdNewEntry" value="ફાઇનલ સેવ કરો " id="CmdNewEntry" class="Button" style="width:336px;" />
i don't have Popup Massage HTML Code
HTML Code: 7th step for above all steps completed and search for new
<input type="submit" name="btn_NewFamily" value="Look for another" id="btn_NewFamily" class="Button" style="font-family:Arial Unicode MS;width:105px;" />