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Working with Operator like

salim hasan

Hy every one
I have a column with same data like:
School1 ,Class1,School2 ,Class5,School20 ,Class8,School ,Class20,Class....
an I want to match all the cells that not ending by a numbers(Class,School) for
Also all the cells that ending by a numbers (School2 ,Class5,School20 ,Class8...)
what is the like Operator for this cases?
or the pattern (Regex)
Hello Salim
How are you doing?
Try this code using Like operator
Sub Test()
    Dim c As Range

    For Each c In Cells(1).CurrentRegion
        If c.Value Like "*#" Then
            Debug.Print "With Numbers : " & c.Value
        ElseIf c.Value Like "*[!#]" Then
            Debug.Print "Without Numbers : " & c.Value
        End If
    Next c
End Sub
Hello Salim
How are you doing?
Try this code using Like operator
Sub Test()
    Dim c As Range

    For Each c In Cells(1).CurrentRegion
        If c.Value Like "*#" Then
            Debug.Print "With Numbers : " & c.Value
        ElseIf c.Value Like "*[!#]" Then
            Debug.Print "Without Numbers : " & c.Value
        End If
    Next c
End Sub
TVM (Thank you Very much)
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