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Why would a MATCH formula not work?


New Member
The table looks like this:


1 Quarter Actual

2 Q1 1,677,106.7

3 Q2 1,914,202.2

4 Q3 1,231,181.3

5 Q4 1,563,159.6

I then ask excel to give me the minimum value using : MIN(B2:B5). The answer is in cell B11

I then want excel to tell me the corresponding quarter for that figure: =OFFSET(A1,MATCH(B11,B2:B5),0)

The problem is I get a N/A, I realize the problem is with the MATCH formula.

So I want to know based on your personal experience what are the possible reasons for the MATCH formula not working?

See file here:

@Kamarlon... try this. It should work.


Your original Match formula is missing the third argument. Also, I personally prefer INDEX in cases like this.

More on INDEX+MATCH here: http://chandoo.org/wp/2010/11/02/how-to-lookup-values-to-left/