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Why does sumifs not like my named range?


New Member
I have a worksheet where I have created several named single-column ranges using the offset function, i.e. =OFFSET(Reformatted!$B$2,0,0,COUNTA(Reformatted!$B:$B),1). I created a sumifs formula using these named ranges and I get a #value error. If I use a standard criteria range of Reformatted!$B:$B, sumifs works just fine. Any ideas why? The sumif function doesn't seem to have the same limitation.
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In your SUMIF function, you would have given two ranges. Have you verified that they are both the same size? Are there any errors in the sum range itself?

Can you upload your workbook, or at least post the entire formula you're using?
You just gave me the answer! Even though the ranges appear to be the same size, they aren't. I copied a formula with an =iferror(...,"") in one column to allow the sheet to grow, but did not copy that same formula in the other columns, so while they look to be the same size, they really aren't! I've been battling this problem all morning, so THANK YOU!