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Why application.DisplayAlerts = False is not working


Excel Ninja

I am using application.DisplayAlerts = False

But despite of this line macro is displaying alerts.

Can anyone please tell me why this is happening, & how can I resolve this.
Hi Jorden,

Thanks a lot for the reply.

I am doing Correlation by VBA.

The output range is same, if it getting overwrite, it will ask "Output range will overwrite exising data".

I think the reason must what you are saying "Some "alerts" are not flipped off by using that statement."

Have a nice day.
Yes, that makes sense. MCorrel is a 3rd party product, so what pops up is a considered a message and not an alert - at least not to the Excel application.

I did find this forum post in which someone found success using the SendKeys command to send the "Enter" button to the prompt before it pops up:

This is the code that apparently works listed on response #5 of the link I posted.

With Application

.SendKeys "{ENTER}"

.Run "ATPVBAEN.XLAM!Mcorrel", rng, ActiveSheet.Range("$O$8"), "C" _

, False

End With

I'm not an expert on this add-in, so I can't really speak to what's going on in that second line of code. However, others have apparently had success with placing Application.SendKeys "{ENTER}"
before the Run command. If it were me, I would click on the link I posted and go through each forum response as they are from people discussing the exact same problem you describe above.