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What If


Excel Ninja
Good day all

I am seeing the horizon of my retirement and in a few years will be able to put my feet up.

I have spent nearly all me working life in heavy engineering,and I have enjoyed it all, traveled far, worked on some prestigious projects and met many fine people, but now that I have been removed from my tools of trade and I sit in an office all day trying to understand excel I have now met another group of fine people through looking for excel help. After reading many posts and receiving much help form this site I was wondering what would life have been if fate had delivered a different hand of cards all those years ago??

So what would you have liked to have happened in your life, what did you try to be before mastering excel and I hope putting it to work for you, where do you thing you would be and doing what, if life had taken the other turn.
Unfortunately im only 23. BUT! I love what I do. I can't think of anything I would want differently right now. But I still have lots of twists and turns left. Who knows where it will take me ;)

You can not say "Unfortunately im only 23", take it from an old one, you are on the threshold of you life, take it run with it enjoy it, just take your time to learn from the mistakes of others
I wish I had known that people could make a living doing consulting work with XL & VB. Now I'm stuck in my current job which is just ho-hum while following my real passion is just a side job. Chandoo's story is a real inspiration to me, I just wish I had the courage to follow his example.
@Luke M


Advise when switching... maybe you want some darkness to enlighten your path.

Hi bobhc,

=IF(I knew then what I know now, things could have been a lot different, its a tough world!) :)
Yea I will admit seeing how people make a living out of consulting has really inspired me to learn and something to shoot for. If all else, make lots of moneh being a business intelligence developer.