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Want to make a dynamic dashboard

Hi Excel Gurus,

I want to make a dynamic dashboard with the data given in the attached file.

There are two sheets in the attached file.
1) Sample
2) Data

I had made the sample file which shows different type of parameters along with a chart of all the dates with a desirable value.

Request you to kindly help in creating a dashboard wherein with just a filter or a drop down I can show my Boss what is the status of the parameter with a chart and desirable value. The data is in the "Reqd Data"



  • DATA.xlsx
    41.3 KB · Views: 22
see attached.
Top left of chart sheet, Parameter dropdown allows you to choose what to show.
It requires a rearrangement of your data as in REQD DATA G1:L187


  • chandoo15273DATA.xlsx
    107.9 KB · Views: 69