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using vlookup how can i get the latest date if the table array have the same or duplicate number


Serial	                      Part no.	      contorl #	  date
R20120404	        P04-060252-00311-E000	ctrl 10	4/1/2012
R20120484	        P04-060160-00111-6000	ctrl 10	4/1/2012
21524118826CC5201958	P04-181560-10311-C000	ctrl 10	4/1/2012
21524118826CC5202078	P04-181560-10311-C000	ctrl 10	4/1/2012
21524131476CC5201761	P04-060340-10111-C000	ctrl 10	4/1/2012
R20120404	        P04-060252-00311-E000	ctrl 25	5/17/2012
R20120484	        P04-060160-00111-6000	ctrl 25	5/17/2012
21524118826CC5201958	P04-181560-10311-C000	ctrl 25	5/17/2012
21524118826CC5202078	P04-181560-10311-C000	ctrl 25	5/17/2012
21524116506CC5202301	P04-070154-10211-C100	ctrl 25	5/17/2012
using vlookup how can i get the latest date if the table array have the same or duplicate number


serial date

123 5/12/10

124 5/12/10

125 5/12/10

123 5/17/12

124 5/17/12

i try to lookup these serials but the old date are captured please help on this.

thank you.
Once you have your Pivot Table, right click on the data field, field settings, select "Max", ok out.
This formula will work Realtop.


This is an array formula so use Ctrl+shift+enter

Also adjust the ranges accordingly.