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Vlookup within Pivot table


Hi Experts,

I'm again with new type of confusion.

Can i use vlookup within pivot table as calculated field or any other way.Actually i want to lookup the team targets from base sheet in pivot table.I do this manually by applying vlookup in helper column.I want all to be in one table.

Please help.
Not quite sure what you're asking. I think you have a table of data, and currently you're using a helper column to pull in a target value. If so, this is the correct way to do it. You'd then want to add the helper column to the PT, but set it to show a single value (Max/Min/Average) instead of a Sum so that you could get a better comparison.

Alternate ideas in case I'm looking down the wrong path, would be to use a VLOOKUP function directly on the data in the PT. Or, check out using the GETPIVOTDATA function. Just some wild guesses.
the targets are in %. So i want to see them as they are.% can't be sum,avg,max, min.

Thanks for the reply.I try.
I understand what you are saying but I believe the helper column is the only way. You could post a sample workbook for us to try and find a workaround.