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Vlookup with Sumif


Daer Sir,
I wanted to lookup value with the help of helper column but getting NA due to amount is mismatched.
The reason for amount mismatched is in sheet1 amount is bifurcated and sheet2 amount in combined.
How can we apply vlookup with sumif.
example: please refer yellow highlighted sheet2 column 44 amount is Rs 40000/- where as sheet1 yellow highlighted in column 55 and 55 Rs 20000 and Rs 20000.


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Your thread's title gives image of challenges with VLOOKUP and SUMIF-functions.
Later, You wrote about LOOKUP; those are different.
Where do You would like to use SUMIF-function?

Case #N/A
Why You use in D-column's formulas range_lookup-parameter as 0 (zero)?
If You would use it as TRUE, then You will get something else than #N/A.
Check VLOOKUP-formula's syntax.