Spoilt for choice using dynamic arrays! Treating the source data as a DB Table, matches can be picked up wherever they occur using
= SUMIFS( Table1[Score], Table1[C0de], C0de, Table1[Year], Yr )
Alternatively the problem can be treated as one of array storage and the data returned by index
= INDEX( Table1[Score], TRANSPOSE(SEQUENCE( 3, 3 )) )
or, to avoid SEQUENCE which needs Office 365 monthly
= INDEX( Score, {1;2;3} + 3*{0,1,2} )
If one is content to return the result cell by cell, rather than as an array
= FILTER( Score, (Year=@Yr)*(C0des=@C0de) )
= TRANSPOSE( FILTER(Table1[Score], Table1[C0de]=@C0de) )
would return a single row of the array.
Edit. Wow, the use of the word 'Code' in square brackets can reduce the post to wreckage!