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VLookup with a wild card


Hi All, I'm needing to create a Y/N column in a report based on a name in one of the columns. The name, however, is spelled differently. I was trying to do a VLookup with a wildcard, but I can't get it to work. Here is a mock up of the file and formula (incorrect) is there as well. I'm not sure if should be using something other than a VLookup....

Here's the file:


Thanks in advance!!!!

Hi Jaimee ,

I am not sure I have understood you fully / correctly.

If you just want to know whether any name , under the acct name head , has the text "jaimee" in it , why not use an IF statement :


The check is case-insensitive ; you can use "jaimee" or "JAIMEE" or "Jaimee" , and it will return the correct result.

Thanks to both of you. Dan, I did check out that article before I posted and couldn't get the formula to work. Narayank991, this works perfectly. My confusion is not

knowing when to use what formula...Thanks again for all of your expertise!!!!