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VLOOKUP to return list of every instance


I have a list of different grants, each grant has a person responsible for it.
On a separate sheet I would like to just lookup the persons name, ie. have a sheet per person and for a formula to list out each different grant associated with them.
Is there a way of doing this?
Oh, and I would need it to be a unique list as the same grant reference is listed in my data more than once.
Post some sample data - be sure it's sanitized of any confidential info, and it will only be minutes before someone gives you a solution.
@Xiq suggestion will do it, if you are not comfortable with PT turn your data into a table and filter till your hearts content and the coffees cold.
Hi, I'm very comfortable with pivot tables but I need a formula that will do this, I managed to fiddle with INDEX MATCH but I need to know how many instances there are in order to drag the formula down and it doesn't give me a unique list.
I cant upload a sample because I'm trying to create a new report
Hi, I'm very comfortable with pivot tables but I need a formula that will do this, I managed to fiddle with INDEX MATCH but I need to know how many instances there are in order to drag the formula down and it doesn't give me a unique list.
I cant upload a sample because I'm trying to create a new report

Either provide the file you're having trouble with INDEX and MATCH or dummy something up with bogus data that looks something like what you require. It's very difficult to provide a good solution when the problem is ill-defined - we'd all see something different from a literal description, and so you'd get a range of "answers" - which could all be flawed ..