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VLOOKUP question2


I had a blast today doing VLOOKUPs at work. But now I've run into a snag. I tried to do sort of a backwards VLOOKUP (if there is such a thing). I have compare a file where the C column DOESN'T match the A column. When I run my VLOOKUP I get the name where there is a match and a #NA where there isn't. I'd like to get the name where it doesn't match.

I tried to do a IFERROR/VLOOKUP and was able to name the field in questions "no match" but that's not what I need. Thank you for your time and help, I always appreciate the information here at Chandoo. Here is my file:


I hope I'm making sense.....
Hi ,

Try this in E3 :


Is this what you are looking for ? If so , you can use this same method for your result 3.

This has been nothing short of fabulous. I'm so indebted to this site. I've learned so much and there's so much more to learn...THANK YOU!!!!! This works perfectly!

I can do this in access but I'm really pushing myself to learn excel to get my certification.....