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Vlookup from Table and Display in column


I attached work book with two sheets, Shee1 and Sheet2

Sheet2 contains list of data in A column and related expansion B column.

On sheet1 you can see the data in D column.

I need the results to get displayed on E column, by matching Sheet1 D column & Sheet2 A column Key words.
Once the key word of Sheet2 A column found in Sheet1 D column.

Example: If you see D column of Sheet1 carries "Currency Refer Wrong"
On Sheet2 A column writted as "Refer" and B column as "Please check"

Result required in Sheet1 E column as "Please check"

Please give a macro VBA code as i have almost 50000 records in my file to work on every day.


  • VlookupMatch.xlsx
    9.3 KB · Views: 3
Try in E2:
=TEXTJOIN(", ",TRUE, FILTER(Sheet2!$B$2:$B$8,ISNUMBER(FIND(Sheet2!$A$2:$A$8,D2))))
and copy down?
If you have more than one matching keyword it should list them.
Try adding refer data to cell D7.
First, to reduce the execution time you must remove the duplicates within Sheet2 (case insensitive) …​