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vlookup error


what is wrong in vlookup macro

TB2.Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(TB1, Worksheets("BAZE").Range("K3:N10"), 2, 0)
TB3.Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(TB1, Worksheets("BAZE").Range("K3:N10"), 3, 0)


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Do not use WorksheetFunction but just Application !

Like Application.VLookup … And compare with a cell formula.​

The reason why WorksheetFunction crashes !

So first try a VLookup formula directly in a cell on Excel side …
As if it can't work in Excel, it can't work under VBA !
TB1 is object... you can't use TB1 as Lookup_Value.

Also, remember that Textbox & Combobox stores value as text only. So you should convert it to numeric value before using it in VLOOKUP.

TB2.Value = Application.VLookup(CLng(TB1.Value), Worksheets("BAZE").Range("K3:N10"), 2, 0)