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Vlook up with Macro

Babin Das

New Member
Hi I am trying to vlookup from sheet2 to sheet lookup, I have written the following code for the same, but it showing error 1008 for set statement and error for formula statement. Can you please rectify the code.

Thanks in advance.

The code is as follows

Sub Lookup()
Dim LW1 As Long, LW2 As Long, I As Long, J As Long, Lookup_Value As Long, Rag As Range

LW1 = Sheets("Sheet2").Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
For I = 2 To LW1
Set Rag = Sheets("Sheet2").Range(Cells(I, 2), Cells(I, 5)).Address

LW2 = Sheets("Lookup").Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
For J = 2 To LW2
Lookup_Value = Sheets("Lookup").Range("C" & J)
Application.WorksheetFunction.Cells("C" & J) = "=Vlookup(Lookup_Value,Rag,2,""False"")"
Next J
Next I
End Sub


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Yes sir,

you are right, but i would like to know what is wrong with my code as i am very beginner in vba. My main pont related about the following line
Application.WorksheetFunction.Cells("C" & J) = "=Vlookup(Lookup_Value,Rag,2,""False"")"

Thanks in advance
Hi ,

Quite a few things !

You should go through the changed code , and see all the differences , and make an attempt to understand.

The syntax of the Cells method is wrong , the method Formula is missing , the syntax of the formula itself is wrong ...

Explaining all this is going to take time ; if you can wait , I will explain.
