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VBA - working with array [SOLVED]


I'd like to know how can I can write a code that for each "i", I have a value in the variable linha(i). For example, in the column 2 (ie, i=2), the first filled row (ret.Range(Cells(253, i)).End(xlUp).Row) is 10, so linha(2) = 10 ... column 3, first filled row is 5, then linha(3) = 5 ... and so on, till i = nAtivos + 1.

Next I want to compare which value in array "linha" is the smallest. Could anyone help me?

Thats, what I thought... but didn't work out!

For i = 2 To nAtivos + 1

linha(i) = ret.Range(Cells(253, i)).End(xlUp).Row


What does "didn't work out" mean?

ret is the worksheet's codename, shouldn't that be this?

[pre]For i = 2 To nAtivos + 1
linha(i) = ret.Cells(253, i).End(xlUp).Row

Debug.Print Application.Min(linha)
If that doesn't work then please give full details (eg. wrong value, error message) and show us the complete code including variable declarations so we can help you further.
This bit

linha(i) = ret.Range(Cells(253, i)).End(xlUp).Row

has an error in it. The first [code]Range object is being called as a child of [code]ret, but the [code]Cells
object has no defined parent. Thus, it will default to the active sheet. If the active sheet is not ret[/code], an error will be created. I think the line should be:

linha(i) = ret.Cells(253, i).End(xlUp).Row[/code]

That said, if you only need the smallest value, rather than loading an array, we can check as we go along like so:

[pre]Dim sValue As Long
sValue = 253
For i = 2 To 8 'nAtivos + 1
sValue = WorksheetFunction.Min(ret.Cells(253, i).End(xlUp).Row, sValue)
MsgBox "Smallest row: " & sValue[/code][/pre]
I wrote this:

Dim linha() As Integer

Set ret = Sheets("Retornos")

nAtivos = 6 '<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

For i = 2 To nAtivos + 1

linha(i) = ret.Cells(253, i).End(xlUp).Row


but it's still telling me that there is an error when i run the linha(i)=... line!

It´s "run time error 9 out of range"
linha() is a dynamic array in your code, so you need to [code]ReDim
it. If I include your variable declarations for you:

[pre]Sub foo()

Dim linha() As Long
Dim nAtivos As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim ret As Worksheet

Set ret = Sheets("Retornos")

nAtivos = 6 '<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

ReDim linha(2 To nAtivos + 1)

For i = LBound(linha, 1) To UBound(linha, 1)
linha(i) = ret.Cells(253, i).End(xlUp).Row

Debug.Print Application.Min(linha)

End Sub[/code][/pre]