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VBA using data from MySQL


Hi Folks,

I was wondering if someone could help with the following:

I have a link www.gnjgf.co.za/dsoneuk40.php which takes data from MySQL to create two bits of data.

Whilst the data is not quite represented correctly - I would like to do a similar excercise using VBA - where the data is still taken form MySQL however the information presented in a excel worksheet - to one, display as the "draw" and two to use in short message sendinding.

Any help here would be most appreciated.

Kind Regards

You can do it.

In your excel implementation: will the database be local, out on a network somewhere, or out in the interwebz?
Hi Dan,

I have a database that is populated through my website and it is thus on the network.

Well thats the way I understand it to be
HI Dan,

Thats correct - if the data changes on the network then the table should also change as it reflects new data.
Ok. Well, if it's unserved, you can dump the linked table in an Access database.

Once you've done that, the absolute easiest option is to use MS query:


It doesn't require VBA and as far as the SQL goes, you can let Query do most of the heavy lifting for you.