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VBA update of referenced data


New Member
Hello, I am new to VBA/macros.

I was wondering if there is a VBA to add so it sends reminders let’s say to update certain data/cells in a set time period.

Ex: let’s say I have a sheet with information of a project’s timeline. I would like for it every month to pop up a notification or whatever you wanna call it to remind the user to update it.

I hope this made sense. thank you!
VBA programs run only when you actually run them, so a monthly reminder probably isn't what you want. I can think of two alternatives:

1) You could—this is sort of a kludgy workaround, but it would probably work—write a VBA program that would a) run every time you start Excel, b) check a saved date, and c) compare the current date to the saved date. If a month has elapsed since that date, then d) display a message reminding the operator (presumably you) to update the project and e) update the reminder date for a month from now.

2) I gather there are utilities, either available with Windows or you can download them from the web, that will run programs on whatever schedule you prescribe. I've never used them so I can't tell you how useful they are, but if they work at all they could do the same thing for you.