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VBA to break specific link in one worksheet in workbook


I have a workbook (work week one) that contains several work sheets that are identical, T-4,T-3,T-2,T-1, and T-0. Each work sheet has a section that is linked to the same cell range (A2:G2) in another work book (crew available hours). I am looking for help with code that, when run on active worksheet, will break link to crew available hours workbook. I have seen some examples on the net but nothing that has worked so far.

Try building code with Copy/Paste Special value on the cell where the link is. This will leave on the values in the cell and not the formula.
this will leave the link active will it not? I need the link to be broke so the values in the linked cell will not change from that point forward whenever updates or changes are made to crew available hours

Did you try the following code line:

ActiveWorkbook.BreakLink Name:="Book3", Type:=xlExcelLinks

Instead of "Book3" specify your required file name.

Prasad DN
The link will be the same for each of the five worksheets, using active workbook would break all of the links at once correct? I want to break the ling=k for each worksheet. Can the same code work using active worksheet?