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vba mylookup combobox and label caption


Credits to Chihiro, as he has helped with this matter when first query it.
The problem now is that, was trying to adapt the same code to a different approach, which is looking to a combobox & label.caption from an different worksheet (files attached).
In a nutshell what I would like to achieve is that:

When an item on ComboBox 5 is selected, lookup to label50.caption and on MasterData.xlsx source file & FProducts sheet and display the respective number on TextBox8.
TextBox8 should display 10
Thanks in advance for any help.


  • MasterData.xlsx
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  • Book1QuerySource file .xlsm
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You'd need another function like GetNamedRangeData.

Sample with Column and criteria hard coded. Try replacing hard coded portion with your variable.

Note: Use HDR=Yes, as you need header for select statement.
Function GetData() As Variant

  Dim cn As Object, strQuery As String, rst As Object
  Set cn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
  With cn
      .Provider = "Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0"
      .ConnectionString = "Data Source=C:\Test\Combine\MasterData.xlsx;" & _
                          "Extended Properties=""Excel 12.0 Xml;HDR=Yes;IMEX=1;"""
      .CursorLocation = 3
  End With
  strQuery = "SELECT [1] FROM [lstStat] Where [Products]='AB100';"
  Set rst = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
  rst.Open strQuery, cn, 1, 3
  GetData = rst.Getrows
End Function

Sub test()

Debug.Print GetData(0, 0)

End Sub

EDIT: FYI - I wasn't able to import from Table so converted table into named range "lstStat" and used that for query.
Last edited:
Hi Chihiro
Reverted table1 and replaced by named range "lstStat", added Funtion to a Module, point it to my path, however TextBox8 won't show anything, also struggled to set [Products] to variable. I must be doing something wrong, could you please assist?


  • Book1QuerySource file .xlsm
    21.1 KB · Views: 2
  • MasterData.xlsx
    11.6 KB · Views: 2
Don't use Table, but use entire sheet.

I couldn't find documentation, but when I test, ADODB isn't able to find [Table1] object.

Since you have only 1 table in the sheet, use [FProducts$] to pull info (i.e. sheet name followed by $).

Demo of how to use variable in strQuery.

Function GetData(cString As String) As Variant

  Dim cn As Object, strQuery As String, rst As Object
  Set cn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
  With cn
      .Provider = "Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0"
      .ConnectionString = "Data Source=C:\Test\MasterData.xlsx;" & _
                          "Extended Properties=""Excel 12.0 Xml;HDR=Yes;IMEX=1;"""
      .CursorLocation = 3
  End With
    strQuery = "SELECT [1] FROM [FProducts$] Where [Products]='" & cString & "';"
      Set rst = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
  rst.Open strQuery, cn, 1, 3
  GetData = rst.Getrows
End Function

Sub test()

myArray = GetData("AB100")

Debug.Print myArray(0, 0)

End Sub
I'm really sorry, cannot make it work. TextBox8 still not showing results from CBO5 selected items.


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  • Book1QuerySource file .xlsm
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Did you forget to change path to your own? I used C:\Test\... and I see in your file that you didn't change this.


Also GetData function argument should not be sheet name, but your criteria for [Products] (i.e. your ComboBox5 value).

I moved Functions into standard module from UserForm1.

Function GetNamedRangeData(nRange As String) As Variant
' Sample demonstrating how to return a recordset from a named range in a workbook
' NOTE: this will not work with a dynamic named range

  Dim cn As Object, strQuery As String, rst As Object
  Set cn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
  With cn
      .Provider = "Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0"
      .ConnectionString = "Data Source=C:\MasterData\MasterData.xlsx;" & _
                          "Extended Properties=""Excel 12.0 Xml;HDR=No;IMEX=1;"""
      .CursorLocation = 3
  End With
  strQuery = "SELECT * FROM " & nRange & ";"
  Set rst = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
  rst.Open strQuery, cn, 1, 3
  GetNamedRangeData = rst.Getrows
End Function
Function GetData(sCol As String, cString As String) As Variant
'sCol is Column Header/Label50.Caption, cString is Product/Combobox5.Value
  Dim cn As Object, strQuery As String, rst As Object
  Set cn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
  With cn
      .Provider = "Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0"
      .ConnectionString = "Data Source=C:\MasterData\MasterData.xlsx;" & _
                          "Extended Properties=""Excel 12.0 Xml;HDR=Yes;IMEX=1;"""
      .CursorLocation = 3
  End With
    strQuery = "SELECT [" & sCol & "] FROM [FProducts$] Where [Products]='" & cString & "';"
      Set rst = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
  rst.Open strQuery, cn, 1, 3
  GetData = rst.Getrows
End Function

In userform...
Private Sub ComboBox5_Change()
With Me
    myResult = GetData(.Label50.Caption, .ComboBox5.Value)
    .TextBox8.Value = myResult(0, 0)
End With

End Sub

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
With Me
    .ComboBox1.Column = GetNamedRangeData("[Shift]")
    .ComboBox2.Column = GetNamedRangeData("[Operator]")
    .ComboBox4.Column = GetNamedRangeData("[JobN]")
    .ComboBox5.Column = GetNamedRangeData("[Products]")
    .ComboBox6.Column = GetNamedRangeData("[RMat]")
    .ComboBox7.Column = GetNamedRangeData("[Supplier]")
End With
End Sub

See attached.


  • Book1QuerySource file (1).xlsm
    23 KB · Views: 3