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VBA Mileage Calculator


Hi all,

A while ago I posted a thread about creating a file that could show the time taken between postcodes. After much searching, I have found something that almost does what I wanted which I have uploaded.

However, there are a couple of steps I wanted to add and I don't know how to:

1: To be able to put the postcodes into another sheet and on the main page say how many hours I wanted to drive for e.g: 5 hours.

2: The macro would then run and show which postcodes I should go to in which order and how long it would take?

Could anyone help? @Hui , @Luke M , @Somendra Misra perhaps?

Thanks in advance!


  • Travel Times.xls
    53.5 KB · Views: 13
I fear you are still asking for what is actually a quite complex question. The workbook you posted is quite useful, but the task it solves is straight-forward "how far from x to y".

You're new question appears to be "given a group of times, what's the most efficitent way to connect them (or at least some of them)?" And this brings us back to the traveling salesman problem. :(

Is your question actually something different, perhaps?