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VBA Macro to Copy data - Error " Run-Time error '1004':


Hi Team,
Could you please check below given error while running macro > Capture.PNG

I tried to replace VBA code, however some glitch happed which turned this error. How to get rid of it. Please find attached file also along with VBA code

I havent pasted VBA code here due to character limitations.

Maunish Patel


  • Copy Data Macro.xlsm
    360.9 KB · Views: 1
Pavan.S helped me a lot in my previous post regarding data collecting. Now its time for upgrade :)

Team, Please help here in this VBA error glitch

Please find the attached its working without any error at my end.



  • Copy Data Macro.xlsm
    364.5 KB · Views: 0
Hi Nebu,
Data is showing incorrect on dashboard. Also each sheet has some data, still data is not copied on Dashboard!

Also Check worksheet Reaff Audit, count is showing 108 however dashboard is showing 1386.

Each sheet data needs to be pasted on said header name on dashboard.

Maunish Patel
Hello MP,

Check the attached file..

My codes should work if you clear the below glitches from your file which is currently impacting your final output in the dashboard sheet.

1. I still see that there are some merged cells in the input sheets like (Reaff Emails sheet - Range (W5) and Reaff Audit sheet all the cells in row 5 and so on many sheets have the same issue.

2. Repeated names in the same sheet like Hardik Shah is available twice in Reaff Emails sheet in cells C5 and M5 as well.

Pavan S


  • Data Macro.xlsm
    352.9 KB · Views: 0