'Datos Origen
Dim wbLibOrig, wsHojOrig, clOrig
Set wbLibOrig = Workbooks(ThisWorkbook.Name)
Set wsHojOrig = wbLibOrig.Worksheets("Sheet1")
Set clOrig = wsHojOrig.Cells
'Datos Destino
Const Ruta = "C:\Users\bikai\Documents\file.xlsx"
Dim wbLibDest, wsHojDest, clDest
Set wbLibDest = Workbooks.Open(Ruta)
Set wsHojDest = wbLibDest.Worksheets("Sheet1")
Set clDest = wsHojDest.Cells
Set org = wsHojOrig.Range("A:K") 'this is the range that is to be searched; it's the same throughout the program, so no need
'to specify it more than once.
For jr = 3 To wsHojDest.Rows.Count 'I'm used to For rather than While
Dim ValBusq, FilOrig
ValBusq = clDest(jr, 1).Value 'establish the search value
If ValBusq = "" Then Exit For 'exit the loop if we've found the end of the data
FilOrig = Application.VLookup(ValBusq, org, 2, 0).Row 'this is the row where Vlookup found the search value. The
'row is the same for columns A:K, so no need to do the Vlookup more than once
For jc = 2 To 11 'for each of the Destino columns
clDest(jr, jc).Value = clOrig(FilOrig, jc).Value 'copy the value from Origen to Destino
Next jc
Next jr