New Member
hello. i would appreciate very much any of you fine folks' assistance
i have attached sample
i need a macro that copy and pastes data off many tabs into a single consolidatin tab which will be the 1st tab, from left-to-right. the basis to determine what data to copy/paste will be based on header name
the problem is that the order of the headers (columns) in each of the source data tabs can and will be different. also the extend or qty of records (rows) can and will be different on each tab. macro code should be flexible to account as many columns to the right or rows to the bottom
The consolidating tab (1st one) will have manual maintenance by me so that all preexisting headers (and future ones) already exist.... before running the macro. The button of macro can be located in the first tab.
The info that gets copy and pasted ...after paste function needs to be in the same format (currency, date, general, text, etc) depending on the source data tabs contents.
On the 1st run of the macro you kindly submit to me, i believe aprox 16 to 24 tabs of info need to be copied and pasted in the consolidated tab. The order of pasting is as the order of the tabs from left to right (excluding 1st tab)
so the paste function need not to overwrite data of previous or next copy
After the 1st run of data, if information already exists in 1st tab consolidating, then macro when ran "must be aware" that there is preexisting whatever addtl tabs have been manually added or included in file...those would be subject to the copy-paste functions and not overwrite info preexisting in 1st tab
i apologize for my english. is not good. hope any of you superb excel geniuses understand it, and what i wanna convey.
in advance..your help will be vastly appreciated as always
feel free to ask any questions.
thanks again. i await feedback if possible today or tomorrow morning. im sorry to rush. thanks once again! be safe.
i have attached sample
i need a macro that copy and pastes data off many tabs into a single consolidatin tab which will be the 1st tab, from left-to-right. the basis to determine what data to copy/paste will be based on header name
the problem is that the order of the headers (columns) in each of the source data tabs can and will be different. also the extend or qty of records (rows) can and will be different on each tab. macro code should be flexible to account as many columns to the right or rows to the bottom
The consolidating tab (1st one) will have manual maintenance by me so that all preexisting headers (and future ones) already exist.... before running the macro. The button of macro can be located in the first tab.
The info that gets copy and pasted ...after paste function needs to be in the same format (currency, date, general, text, etc) depending on the source data tabs contents.
On the 1st run of the macro you kindly submit to me, i believe aprox 16 to 24 tabs of info need to be copied and pasted in the consolidated tab. The order of pasting is as the order of the tabs from left to right (excluding 1st tab)
so the paste function need not to overwrite data of previous or next copy
After the 1st run of data, if information already exists in 1st tab consolidating, then macro when ran "must be aware" that there is preexisting whatever addtl tabs have been manually added or included in file...those would be subject to the copy-paste functions and not overwrite info preexisting in 1st tab
i apologize for my english. is not good. hope any of you superb excel geniuses understand it, and what i wanna convey.
in advance..your help will be vastly appreciated as always
feel free to ask any questions.
thanks again. i await feedback if possible today or tomorrow morning. im sorry to rush. thanks once again! be safe.