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vba loop to copy & paste when criteria meets


New Member
Hi All,

I am at beginner level in VBA. I am working to copy a range of data when a condition meets, so I think it will work through nested do while loop, but not sure.
I need an urgent help for the same. I am uploading the sample worksheet.
I want to start from Column 'C' (Highlighted in yellow) till the last Value found in Column 'C' ESIP Amt
For Each Value found in Column 'C' , the loop will go into nested loop, starting from next Column 'Fist', starting from Row=6 or a row below from Row of every value found in Column 'C'
This nested loop will Continue Copying the Data Line by Line From Column Range 'I' to 'O' until it finds no value/Gap in column D, then it paste the same data in the Range 'P' to 'V' on same sheet.
when gap/No value will meet in Column 'D' Fist - inner loop should exit and it should jump in the same row of value find in Colum 'C' and start the same process till the last value found in column 'C' and column 'D'.

Every value in column C is actually getting breakup in a row below starting from Colum D to O

I need to work on the large chunk of data. so need urgent Help in this regard.

I want a piece of VBA workable loop code urgently!


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