I'm doing a straightforward two file match and I have an instance where I expect to advance the key in File A because it's less than the key in File B. Doing a comparison in Excel, it's less than, but the VBA compare says is greater than.
Here are the two values:
If you test the first value for GT the second, Excel says FALSE.
If you go to an immediate window and type
if "1799tmp_0_13846IIE" > "1799XNAIIE12XNAIIE12IIE" then debug.Print "Yes"
It comes back "Yes".
I'm baffled, as if appears to be an issue of CASE where the code for "t" is 116 and for X it's 88. If that's the issue, how do I make the VBA eq/gt/lt test case-insensitive?
Here are the two values:
If you test the first value for GT the second, Excel says FALSE.
If you go to an immediate window and type
if "1799tmp_0_13846IIE" > "1799XNAIIE12XNAIIE12IIE" then debug.Print "Yes"
It comes back "Yes".
I'm baffled, as if appears to be an issue of CASE where the code for "t" is 116 and for X it's 88. If that's the issue, how do I make the VBA eq/gt/lt test case-insensitive?