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VBA Code


New Member

I have an Excel sheet with around 800 search queries for instance "Therapy for Fever" and "Therapy for Pneumonia". What I've already done is extract URLs of the top 5 Google searches for these respective search queries. Now, what I want to be able to do is use these URLs and technically extract the description that appears in the Google Search for these queries.

If this is not possible, perhaps what would help is that through VBA, each of the URL automatically opens in Chrome, stays open for roughly 5 seconds so that I can have a quick look, close, open the next URL, and continue the loop.

I would really appreciate your help in this regard!

It's a very basic sheet actually. Let's say in cell A1 there is facebook.com and in cell A2 there is gmail.com, and in cell A3 there is yahoo.com. And it goes on like that till 800!
Every sheet is basically same ...
Do You have any idea how to start to open those ... hmm ... 800 URL's?
should it be like 'automatic', after You'll open that file?
So what I was looking for is that I insert some VBA code and it automatically starts reading those URLs and opening them up one after another.
Hi !

Easy with Internet Explorer.
If you prefer Chrome (Vade Retro Satanas ! :DD),
use a tool like selenium VBA and move to its forum …

What I've already done is extract URLs of the top 5 Google searches for these respective search queries. Now, what I want to be able to do is use these URLs and technically extract the description that appears in the Google Search for these queries.
As grabbing description is the same method,
at least show your actual code extracting URL …

Your thread title "VBA Code" even obvious in this VBA forum
does not clearly explain the purpose of your need !
I gotta try to show
as You wrote ... until 800!
I couldn't test all Your links and
I won't control which browser do You use!


Of course, You could test too ... if You really would like to do ... be patient! It'll take a long time!


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